bob johansen
6/7/2008 7:12:00 AM
Rosann G
6/7/2008 8:36:00 AM
6/7/2008 12:44:00 PMStill fish dead bait? Really? That must be the old school Wisconsinite lazy fishing method?Like draggin a sucker. Do you use the quick set strike method on something like that? I would think that if you did hook into a Tiger that might certainly increase the mortality of the fish..just sayin. You caught a fish on Wednesday?What was the length & girth? Todd

Don Wittenberger
6/7/2008 3:43:00 PMWhile we're on this topic, it seems kind of obvious that still fishing with dead bait should be prohibited because of the likelihood of hooking the muskie in the throat or gut, which results in 100% mortality. We could ask for a regulation restricting tiger muskie anglers to artificial lures, or at least limiting use of dead bait to trolling, where they're more likely to get hooked in the mouth. Maybe that should be our next regulation project.

6/8/2008 11:50:00 AMYou may then want to make yourself and your comments crystal clear. Your comments may have been "tongue n' cheek" but first impressions are some times what get folks in a tizzy.And we really do not want that happening.Same with telling folks were to and how to fish these critters.
And what a perfect way to get guys worked up.... Are you really sure the Tigers were bunched up to feed on the trout? Maybe they were bunched up to feed on the Pikie Minnows that feed on the Trout? I'm just saying watch what you say. And be clear on what you say.
As far as regulation changes.,.,we all need to discuss the issue. Before one makes it his/hers their own..