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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



Rainbow Trout

Fished the lake today (Friday). Wasn't planning on going out, but decided in the afternoon, to give it a try. Had about 6 take-downs & boated 2. Three of those take-downs happened right in front of Gate's house, literally, between his dock & the "No Wake' marker. I trolled through there & bam,..bam,..bam! Fish-Off! Gate's security guard (who never waves back to me!) watched. Brought my line up, checked it - then ran down about 50 yards, turned around & headed to make another pass. Same spot, exact same thing - bam,..bam,..bam! Fish-Off! So, I pulled up, ran down, turned around again for another pass - this time nothing. Turned around - did it again - bam,..bam,..bam! Fish-Off! Dam! Dam! Dam! Made one more pass & nothing. I figured I'd had my "3 Strikes" & was out. I tipped my hat to the fish, & went about my business. Anyways, by this time, the security guard probably figured I was up to no good. He just gave me a steely stare the whole time.

Of the 2 fish I boated, the rainbow was the most surprising. Another 1.5"s & I would've had to let him go. I made sure I measured him a couple of times, before I decided I could/would keep him. The cutt also was a nice fish - a big jumper - must of came out of the water 4 times. Also, don't let anyone tell you none of these Lk Wash cutts are searun. This one has sea lice all over it.

(formely, Horace Livermore)


5/30/2008 10:20:00 PM
Two beautiful fish! Nice fishing!

Joe C.
5/30/2008 11:36:00 PM
That first fish look a lot like a kokanee...but after further examination it appears to be a SRC.
It's amazing how many blackmouth and other fish are running so rampid in that like right now...tons of FEED.
No doubt you caught SRC's...they are in there big time.
CLK 305
5/31/2008 8:28:00 AM
Hey Kutt - Thanks for the input. Been reading your posts for a long time.

The two fish really appeared different. I think because the flash went off when taking the picture of the first one, some of the color got 'flashed' out. He was really green on his back (not blue, as it appears in the pic), much lighter in color & no marks under the jaw. Also, far fewer spots on his lower half. Side by side, in real life (not pics) they clearly appeared different, & like a cutt & a bow to me. But, you've caught a lot more of these things then I have, & understand this fihery better than I, so I'll defer to your judgement.

Thanks again for your feedback & insights - much appreciated!

ps - agree on the blackmouths. I'm catching one to about every 3 cutts. They fight like Sam Hell, too! Full of piss & viniger!
5/31/2008 1:05:00 PM
Does anyone think the first fish might be some sort of SALMON JACK or KOKANEE???, maybe a migrating to see kokanee???...the head looks a lot like it!!!!!???
That first fish is NOT a cutthroat trout. I do know that much. The head is not indicative of a cutthroat trout. Don't defer to my judgement, but I am instead asking for
others' input. To me, that first first looks like a jack salmon or kokanee, not cutthroat...and you say "no marks under the jaw"...
You might have kept a kokanee or salmon jack (which is illegal in LW). I'm not too concerned about it, but I'd like to point out that proper identification is
vital to avoiding large fines and just being able to identify the fish. No worries Horace, I'm not smashing you...heck, I made a mistake once out there with ID
once and thought it was a lake cutt and it ended up being a SRC. I will not do this again. You mention NO ORANGE BANDING and that first fish is most
likely not a cutthroat trout. It might be a larger sockeye salmon or coho salmon jack...??? This appears to have genetic lineage of a KOKANEE. Second picture IS A CUTTHROAT TROUT. A classical, nice, large, cutthroat. Horace, I'm sending you some info today about this fishery. Maybe you can call me and we can fish next
week together out of your boat -- mine is getting repair work done on it right now. Let me know bud! KTK
5/31/2008 1:09:00 PM
Was the meat in the second photo (larger cutt) a different color than the first fish? In other words, did the first fish you filleted have red meat? Did the second fish have more of a pale colored meat? It's up to you, but I'm no longer keeping cutts out of LW due to health PCB levels. They are loaded with them. This recent sewage thing just makes it worse...keeping the brighter fish will ensure lower pcb counts. It's those dark boys with "big shoulders" that can grow to 10-15 pounds and harbor the most pcbs.
5/31/2008 1:25:00 PM
Hey Horace - I believe I'm wrong on this one. It is in fact a cutthroat. Here it is from a biologist:

Cuttrhoat without a doubt!
Anal fin has too few rays to be a salmon ergo a trout. The jaw extends pass the eye thus a cutthroat.
Not uncommon for a adfluvial or anadromous coastal cuttrhoat that is not in spawning coloration to lack the slashes so typcial of cutts.

Tight lines
Curt "Smalma"

Curt knows his stuff so we got it figured out. Surprised this one threw me for a loop. Regardless, I'm shooting you up with a long PM!!
CLK 305
6/1/2008 8:50:00 AM
Hey Kutt - No worries. I was wrong too.

Although I'm new to fishing Lk Washington, I'm not new to fishing. When I got that first fish (pictured) up to the boat, I didn't think it was a cutt either, In fact, I almost instantly concluded it was a rainbow. It looked so much different from the other cutts I'd caught, including the one I already had in the boat. The main thing was how green it was on the back & snow white on the belly. Plus it was much skinnier - like a steelhead - the only difference was this fish was a chrome & green bullet, not a chrome & black bullet. Also, the head was smaller & no marks under the jaw.

Anyways - I'm aware that I don't know everything, & I'm very open to learning new things. Thanks for providing your take on the fish, plus getting some outside input. Also, always feel free (and anyone else out there) to chime in on any report I make - particularly if there're any errors (gramatical & spelling aside)

ps - got the pm - thanks!
6/1/2008 1:24:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed the PM! You are definately doing well Chris. Congrats!

You say "the only difference was this fish was a chrome & green bullet,. Also, the head was smaller & no marks under the jaw."

This might have been a sea-run-cutthroat-trout. That would be my best guess since it's so silvery. Good fishing!!
6/2/2008 12:10:00 PM
Great stuff! Interesting information on the ID of the first fish as well, the stark color differences on the lower body are really interesting... Curt's a smart guy though, so his word is gold on these matters to me (grin).

Hopefully I'll see you out there CLK -- I'm occasionally out in those areas, fishing in my Arima. KK -- I didn't make it out Sunday AM, but am headed out this week!
6/2/2008 12:12:00 PM
KK, what's the status on the SRC's in the lake? While it's I believe legal to take them, aren't they particularly threatened? I can't tell them from regular cutts very easily but sea lice sure seems like a dead giveaway---I've never seen that on a Lk Wa trout before!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709