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Green Lake Report
King County, WA


Rainbow Trout

This was a historic day for us. My 8 year old daughter and I took the maiden voyage in my new 12' Porta-Bote folding boat, on Green Lake. After figuring out how to put it together in the backyard, I managed to lash it to the top of the wagon and get to the lake. Drug all the stuff to the shore, put it together, and launched from the shell rowing boat house on the SW end. This in itself was big for me having never owned a boat. Fired up the electric motor and off we went. Must not have kept the battery charged up enough as it was showing 3/4 juice in the meter, so I decided to troll close to the launch point. It was cold and cloudy.

Had a bigish orange and silver kastmaster on which did not produce any action, so switched to a small chartruese roostertail., no weights or swivels A few minutes later, pulled in a little 6" trout. Kept in the same area, a touch up the west shore from boat houses/docks. Five minutes later, the pole gets slammed good, and a nice fight ensues with a 16" triploid -- what a thrill. After 45 minutes on the water, it began to rain, and we headed in.

It was great fishing for 45 minutes in the new vessel! Thought of christening it was a can of vitamin R, but held back. And the digital camera was out of juice :(.


The Quadfather
3/17/2008 10:27:00 AM

Nice to hear that Greenlake's fish are starting to wake up.. Congrats on your new folding boat too.
Just thought I'd mention that I'm not sure what type of electric motor you've got, but if it's a Minn Kota, as is mine. I've got the 55lb thrust and it was new last year.
I don't trust the little meter on top which tells you how much charge you've got. I've got a proper charger, and I can charge it until the charger itself says it's full,
and then after 10 min on the lake, the little reader on top of the Minn Kota might say 3/4 full, then a few minutes later it's full again, and then few min. later it's 1\4 full. All over the place.... but it hasn't left me on the lake ever.
3/17/2008 11:32:00 AM
I have a 55 lb transom minn kota maxxum with the battery meter next to the tiller. Good to know not to completely trust it. I might pick up a second gel battery someday for back up. I have both a proper charger and a float maintainer, but had not used those right I think. And there always are the oars.

I also need to correct one part of my report... I was trolling up the *east* shore from the boat houses. It was windy as well. Dont know water temp, depth, troll speed since I did not bother to try to get my overkill fishfinder working on the first time out. I did speed up my troll, before I got the action.

The triploid took some nice jumps, took my light rod tip into the water several times, and went under the boat. I use 4 lb line so don't horse big ones around. I picked it up out of the water by the shaft of the lure, held it high so the folks on the nearby dock could see it, and then it shook itself off, right on cue. My daughter says she got a strike while holding the rod as we headed in, but no hook up. It was great to be liberated from the shore.
3/17/2008 3:32:00 PM
Congrats on the new boat...Hope you get many more fish to the baot with it...Might needa invest in a net to keep that fish for the dinner plate!
3/17/2008 4:09:00 PM
Thank you. :) I do have a nice fold out net. Just was keeping the accessories to the minimum for the first trip. And I don't make a habit eating fish out of Green Lake due to it being fed by intercity urban run off.
3/17/2008 6:04:00 PM
Urbanangler, you might want to check the rules, I don't think you can have an electric motor on Green. If you can have one, I'd like to get out there with one.
3/17/2008 8:10:00 PM
My understanding is that motors of any type are not allowed on Green Lake. I was given a verbal warning a couple of years ago as I came to shore in my inflatable, with an electric trolling motor. The guy didn't identify himself properly, but he was working on the docks at the south end, and was wearing a "park ranger" type uniform. I've never once seen a sign or any rules posted at the lake or on the web, so I don't know how the heck the public is supposed to know if the restriction exists. Anyway, I gave up on the whole idea altogether after being essentially run off the lake too many times by the rowing teams. Still, Green Lake is fun to fish from one of the many docks. Glad to hear your maiden voyage was a success, urbanangler!!
Gringo Pescador
3/17/2008 9:12:00 PM
I had heard the no motors rule too, but I don't remember where I heard it. I tried calling the parks department today and nobody I talked to could say one way or another. I will keep trying and post what I find.
3/17/2008 11:22:00 PM
I've seen a signs on the lake where it says " motors prohibited". I just can't recall where, I believe it's on the north side.
3/18/2008 8:59:00 AM
Wow, had no idea about no motors on Green Lake. I will look into it to verify! Bummer. Thanks for the 411.
3/18/2008 10:25:00 AM
Ok, just called Seattle Parks and Recreation who did indeed verify the no motors on Green Lake. No wonder the shell rowers rule it. I guess I had better get to rowing! I have been happily bank fishing it for years, so I can always take that route as well. Cheers!
3/18/2008 11:46:00 AM
its nice to know so many people got ur back here!!
3/18/2008 12:02:00 PM
About 35 years ago, I challenged the "absolutely no motors" thing with a letter to the editor and a verbal challenge to authorities in the park dept; And I was politely told that no hasslement would occur if I used an electric motor and it didn't. Obviously someone has a different interpretation of the same old ambiguous rule. Perhaps it should be challenged again.
3/18/2008 12:04:00 PM
About 35 years ago, I challenged the "absolutely no motors" thing with a letter to the editor and a verbal challenge to authorities in the park dept; And I was politely told that no hasslement would occur if I used an electric motor and it didn't. Obviously someone has a different interpretation of the same old ambiguous rule. Perhaps it should be challenged again.
Gringo Pescador
3/18/2008 5:46:00 PM
Thanks for the update Urbanangler! All my calls all resulted in "I don't know, call this number."
Too bad, trolling seems to be the ticket for me on that lake.
Oh well, I can't say I don't need the exercise. I guess I will keep rowing.. and a steady supply of Alieve!
3/18/2008 10:14:00 PM
I think it's a dumb rule, especially when I see crew boats coaches running around the lake with outboards. I would love to hit that lake with a trolling motor.
3/23/2008 12:17:00 PM
This is one of the best lakes and i think u should go again.
3/29/2008 3:57:00 AM
Let me see if I understand this correctly Green lake has a no motor rule yet the crew boat instructors can use an outboard motor on the lake at any time they want?

I don't mind this lake but I don't like how the rowing teams and other casual canoes will for whatever reason row as close to shore as they can. I got blasted semi for not having a life-vest on a boat on a lake and here these rowers ... oh well another whine for another time.
Gringo Pescador
3/29/2008 9:58:00 AM
The last time my wife and I went down to walk the lake I actually took the time to read the signs. No motors EXCEPT on authorized rescue boats. The parks department does canoe and kayak classes out there along with the high school (I guess they are high school) crew teams. Try fishng in a canoe when the crew boats are out, kind of like sitting in the middle of the freeway in a carboard box. I figure one of these days I'll catch one - bet they put up a heck of a fight....
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709