3/10/2008 9:25:00 PM
3/11/2008 1:43:00 PMblew it all to the east side and broke it up and melted it. I don't care if it has been stocked or not. There are plenty of 16 to 20" holdover Brown Trout ,
Smallmouth & Largemouth Bass, good crappie and perch, a number of Walleyes and I caught 2 Kokanees there last year, one a 15" fish. I'm hauling
my boat out there friday without bothering to check it out again.

3/11/2008 5:16:00 PM
3/11/2008 10:45:00 PM
3/12/2008 2:42:00 PMwere put in this year but I doubt it. These fish all had a beautiful golden hew to there color, and I'm guessing the color is from low light
penetration through the ice, which by the way is mostly GONE. I put them all back as soon as they were of the hook so you too can catch them.
I hate to kill nice fish and they were beauties, fat and sassy. Rooster Tail Vibric, gold on gold blade, yellow body, red tail. Also Bomber Shallow
Fry Perch Pattern, and another small shallow plug with white sides & blue back the name of which is lost to me.
By the way, one 18" fish had two stubbs of clipped Pectoral Fins.

3/14/2008 6:12:00 PMthanks