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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Fish Lake Report
Chelan County, WA


Rainbow Trout

Today was great fishing but really crappy conditions. It was raining almost the hardest i have seen it up there and super cold. There was no one else on the lake so we had everything to ourselves. Today we started trolling fire tiger pattern rapalas, we were doing good catching little 12 inchers. I was hoping for something a little bigger so i went into water about 10 feet deeper than the rest of the lake, we had are poles just sitting on the bench seats and all of the sudden my buddy's pole got hit with such intensity that it almost got ripped out of the boat, but with good reaction time he grabs the pole, sets the hook and feeling a huge fish he realized his drag was tightened all the way, so he was forced to open the bail for a second and adjust the drag and as he did that i stopped the motor and got the net ready. my pole was still in the water and as i was reaching to grab it, it slammed down and i was like whats goin on, so i pick it up and start reeling and the fish feels huge, so i was excited and then i realized that me and my buddy were feeling the same head shakes at the same exact time. so we both keep reeling the fish in and we see it and both of are lures were in his mouth so we quickly get it in the net and weigh it and its 5 pounds 8 ounces, i totally give my buddy Jordan the credit for the catch though because he got the fish on and sum how it drifted into my lure on the way in and got hooked. After this interesting catch we decided to stop the boat and use slip bobbers and worms, this worked good except for we were getting tons of bites but no hook ups, but finally i hook one and it feels like a beast so i have Jordan get the net and i finally see it and i was right its a nice huge trout so after a couple of nice runs i get it in the net and weigh it and its 4 pounds 12 ounces. At this point and time we were freezing and had 2 huge trout so we decided we would go home and warm up and come back again some other time.



1/10/2008 5:58:00 AM
the 5lb8oz was on the 17th
and on the 18th u got the 4lb4oz and i got the 4lb14oz

3/31/2008 4:58:00 AM
well dude, you needa call me!
I havent been fishing at all since u left but ima go in the morning and we havent talked in like a week,
call me!

o, and how the hell did u get online from curlew?
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709