11/28/2007 12:39:00 PM
Joe Heater
11/29/2007 12:08:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Hit Rufus from Friday to Sunday. Targeting Walleyes and that didn't work out so well. All day Friday we caught trips. All day Saturday we caught trips. Didn't really seem to matter how deep, what you were using, what color or anything. Trips were just insane. Actually the only place we didn't do very well for trips was the Net pens and that is where I understand everybody goes to fish for them. I think we caught 1 in two days fishing there. Sunday we finally said heck with it, lets go catch 4 for him to smoke and give away to people who actually eat those things and go home. We left the boat launch and went to a bay. I casted a white rooster tail and 3rd cast had a fish on. Caught 3 there that were fairly smaller, maybe 1lb. We moved to another bay and caught in 30 minutes I would say 15 Triploids that ranged 2-3 lbs. The day before just to get the blood pumpin we fished an area and caught several 3-5 lb fish on a rooster tail and a Kalins grub and 1/4 oz jig head. Literally almost every cast produced a trip. That was just about the easiest trout fishing I have ever seen except for maybe the day I was at Campbell this spring when they stocked the trips right by my boat. They will eat if you don;t have anything else in the freezer, but I will take Perch, Crappie, Bluegill and Walleye anyday over those. Caskillet and I were fishing it and he did catch one Walleye. Sunday, we were on the lake around 7, caught close to 20 I would say and were back to the boat just after 8. The truck wasn't even cold and we could have left earlier with our four. If you like Triploids, you need to get to Rufus Woods.
Good fishing,.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service