10/15/2007 9:32:00 AM
Joe Heater
10/16/2007 4:51:00 PM
10/19/2007 10:12:00 AMWhat you quoted Joe as saying is called sarcasm. Here's a little help-
I took Joe fishing that day. This is not the first time I've caught big perch here - that's why I go now and not in July. The fact that you don't believe the report is your problem - nobody cares if you do or not. Just keep in mind this is a report board, not a lie and brag board.
While I agree 13" plus fish are rare, everyone knows they are in there - and bigger. If you can't catch one, does that mean no one else can? Don't think so. The fact that you've only caught an 11" out of Washington is a little sad, too. If you know what you're doing, and fish this time of year 'till new year's, you'll get into 12" every time out. BTW, what area were you fishing? I might have some tips for you... or not. Good luck, dude.

10/19/2007 5:24:00 PMRead your post on your trip last weekend; you did ok - so hard to believe somebody else did better? Not sure where all the disbelief is coming from, except you simply mistook my client's toungue-in-cheek statements as statements of fact.
And seriously, man. You shouldn't come on here and slam people because you don't believe the report. You stopped one line short of calling my client a liar. Do you really need to see it to believe it? Doesn't sound like a very Christian attitude... Joe was being obscure about the details of the trip out of respect to me. Normally, I don't give a hoot about what you know about my perch fishing - that lake is chock full of big fish. But after your rant against Joe's credibility, I don't feel the need to post anything past what has been shared already. Attitude like yours is what keeps the lips tight on sites like this.

Rob G.
10/19/2007 9:39:00 PM
10/20/2007 12:20:00 AM
Joe Heater
10/20/2007 1:54:00 AMTo RUTT. My 10 point explanation.
1. I know perch move, thats kind of why I wrote "Ha" after I wrote that we all know they never move.
2, Never been Halibut fishing, don't want to go halibut fishing, not sure how we got on Halibut. You are right, THESE ARE PERCH. They are smaller than halibut from what I understand, yes even the monsters that we caught.
3. I posted a report because I went fishing. I thought that was the point of this site.
4. I am plenty relaxed, not sure why you told me to relax. I went fishing after I posted this report, that is relaxing. Report pending.
5. The largest was 13.5 inches. I thought it was, but caskillet can correct me if I am wrong. I said fisherman tend to exaggerate. I said we kept a couple dozen and it turns out we kept 31. I know we measured it because it spit up a large crawdad when it came in the boat. Skillet, how big was it?
6. Your largest was 11 inches. A pro like yourself, that seems a bit small. I will be sure to measure any over 11 inches we catch from now on. I will be sure to post how many of each size.
7. You say I am just trying to get attention. what am I trying to get when I post reports that say I got skunked?
8. Lake Washington is a big lake as I said, and I only saw one other boat fishing perch, and they certainly were close to us but they didnt stay long.
9. I will take pictures of any fish over 11 that we catch, seeming how that is your largest.
10. I DON"T CARE IF YOU BELIEVE ME. I'm just trying to get attention.
good fishing.

10/20/2007 1:16:00 PMFirst and foremost - I meant to cast no aspersions at all with the reference to being a Christian. It was an assumption I made (admittedly a bad one) and I hope there are no hard feelings over that. Please understand.
Secondly - In the interest of full disclosure - I am not a guide. That was something else Joe was joking about that you missed the humor in, so I used it to have a little more fun with you.
Thirdly - You are now correct, we were not fishing Kenmore.
Lastly - I consider this a dead issue. No hard feelings.
Joe - To be perfectly honest, the fish was 13.25" long. Does that mean Rutt is right!?! Biggest Lk. Wa perch in my boat this year. Hope to see a few more.
To all, even including Rutt :-) -
This is the start of the best time of year for this fishery; I wish all luck.
Just to keep it interesting, should we have a little friendly competition on biggest fish this year? Could be fun, and prompt a lot of great photos...
To Mike Carey - I enjoy the site and regret I contributed to the pollution.