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Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 3:22 pm
by glastron876
I saw this quote under a different topic and thought it may be interesting to see what folks think about it...
tcb wrote:
hewesfisher wrote:
Speaking of that, Trout Cowboy makes reference to the fact there are no driver's license suspensions when operating a boat - for now. Soon, everyone who operates a boat with more than 15hp will be required to obtain a Boater's Education Card. For more information see this website:
I can't wait!
Myself, I think that it is a VERY GOOD THING but more directed towards the "kids" out there on the PWC's and "Daddy's Boat" - the way that I see it and read things as they posted - us Older Generation will never have to worry about the TESTING & Cards. But I think it should also be a Mandatory issue for New Boat Owners/Buyers.


January 1, 2008 - All boat operators twenty years old and younger;
January 1, 2009 - All boat operators twenty-five years old and younger;
January 1, 2010 - All boat operators thirty years old and younger;
January 1, 2011 - All boat operators thirty-five years old and younger;
January 1, 2012 - All boat operators forty years old and younger;
January 1, 2013 - All boat operators fifty years old and younger;
January 1, 2014 - All boat operators sixty years old and younger;
January 1, 2015 - All boat operators seventy years old and younger;
January 1, 2016 - All boat operators over 12 years will be required to have a card.
Persons born before January 1, 1955 are exempt.

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:11 pm
by muskyhunter
Is this only for boaters or are the knuckle headed jetskiers included in this?

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:33 pm
by glastron876
YES - Jetskiers included...(Hoooray)
Here is the link to the Course Exam Chapters (very complete)

I researched the topic when I first heard about it earlier in the year, as our boys like to drive the boat. You can take the test online for like 10 or 15 bucks (can't remember) - but what I do remember is that the Manual/Study Material covers everything, from which side to pass specific colored bouys to PWC's (jetski's) - the works. The Exam Handbook is like 100 pages long. Just as complete as the Vehicle Driver's Manual.

I believe this should answer your question:

Q. What is the minimum age to operate a Personal Watercraft (PWC) in Washington State?
A. PWC operators in Washington State must be at least 14 years old. PWC operators must carry proof of successful completion of an Washington State Marine Board approved boating safety course on-board while operating.

Q. How do I get my Washington State Boater Education Card?
A. The steps required to get your Washington State Boater Education Card are as follows:

Study the Washington State boating safety course manual
Take the Washington State online boating exam
Pay for your exam
Print off your Certificate of Completion
Wait for your Boater Education Card to arrive in the mail 3-5 weeks later
There is also a one-time state fee of $10.00 to get your Boater Education Card which we will process for you. Alternatively, you can send your Certificate of Completion to The Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission with $10.00 and the application form after you pass your exam.

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:39 pm
by glastron876
Here is a more LEGAL page regarding this issue. ... &full=true

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:01 pm
by A9
I think the effective dates should be the same for all age groups...

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:47 pm
by bigastrout
I go back and forth on this one I guess it is a good idea. I doubt that it will change much though. I see someone doing something stupid on the road everyday and they have a drivers liscense, I hope. I think it is probrably more of a way to generate money than anthing else. But maybe it will do some good at least until people forget or disregard what they learned. I am not required to take it for several years but my guess is its going to be cheaper if I do it now. Does anyone know what the proceeds from this are allocated for?

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:16 am
by glastron876

Like yourself, I go back and forth with this issue at times, but in areas with Channel Markers and Right-of-Way concerns, I see people that don't understand them and are a safety hazaerd to everyone else on the water - and as for the Jetskier's, there are rules/regulations about "how close to shore", etc. that they can run at full speeds, etc. - safer for fishermen in small boats for that matter -
The thing is that this Safety Card is a once in a lifetime thing - I feel that they should treat it like a drivers liscense w/ continual renewal every several years or so.

But like everything else - they may know the rules/regulations/laws but doesn't mean that they will follow them, but IGNORANCE is no excuse if you have a card and are caught doing something stupid.

The only thing that I saw about fee allocations is:

"to fund all commission activities related to the boating safety education program created by chapter 392, Laws of 2005, including the initial costs of developing the program. Any surplus funds resulting from the fees received shall be distributed by the commission as grants to local marine law enforcement programs approved by the commission as provided in RCW 88.02.040;"


RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:19 am
by Maury
maybe they want to resurface the water? lol
Maury :d/

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 6:45 pm
by hewesfisher
glastron876 wrote:The thing is that this Safety Card is a once in a lifetime thing - I feel that they should treat it like a drivers liscense w/ continual renewal every several years or so.
I agree with one exception, the renewal part should include a refresher exam for driver's licenses as well as the boater's safety card. Laws change all the time, how are we supposed to stay on top of them if we don't have to review the driver's handbook or the boater's safety material? I have felt this way about driver's licenses for years, and the boater's safety card is much the same IMO.

After we bought our new boat, my wife and I both attended the Boating Skills and Seamanship course conducted by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. The class met for 13 two and a half hour sessions (aargh), and covered a lot of material, much much more than the boaters safety card requirements. I'm glad we went through it, and I did learn quite a bit, but it sure was long. Completion certificates are accepted by WA as meeting boating safety card course requirements, just send a copy of your certificate (and your $10) to get a boater safety card. Personally, I think WA should exempt anyone who has taken one of these classes and accept the US Coast Guard card in lieu of the state issued card, but the state didn't ask for my opinion.:-k

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:29 pm
by tmusky1
I think it sucks that a majority of us who have been boating and fishing for years without any incidents have to deal with this because of a bunch of idiots. But if it keeps them off the lake and reduces boat traffic, I suppose the responsible ones will reap the rewards. My only other point that I need to add is that if we have to go through the trouble of jumping through the hoops, they damn well better enforce it.

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:42 pm
by Bodofish
I think it's agreat idea! So many people doing stupid thing out there. I passed the test on line just by taking it, no classes or study material. Do a little brush up on navagting controlled waters and right of way and you'll have no trouble. $15 and I get a discount on my boat insurance. Pays for it's self.

RE:Boater's Safety Cards...What do you think...

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:44 pm
by Bodofish
PS all funds go to improve boating facilities in WA