Hi guys,
I have been visiting my wife's parents on Camano Island for the past 25 years. This trip in August I would like to fish and relax. I have fished Lost lake when my nephew lived there. Tried the Stillaguamish while my Brother n Law was alive, and was just wondering what you guys would recommend for an low skilled fisherman that would like to learn and catch more fish. Are there steel heads at that time in the rivers? I usually just fish from the shore. Thanks for your help. Joe
Fishing near Camano Island
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Re: Fishing near Camano Island
The salt will be open for Coho, barring emergency closure so beaches might be an option. Another option would be to head just a little south of Stanwood to 7 lakes area. Lots of small lakes with reportedly decent fishing (see JoshH reports), but some floating device would likely be needed as there is minimal shore access. No steel in the Stilly until fall and looks like no salmon season there either.
The salt will be open for Coho, barring emergency closure so beaches might be an option. Another option would be to head just a little south of Stanwood to 7 lakes area. Lots of small lakes with reportedly decent fishing (see JoshH reports), but some floating device would likely be needed as there is minimal shore access. No steel in the Stilly until fall and looks like no salmon season there either.